Saturday, October 26, 2013

How to Help your Kids keep there room nice and clean!!!

Clean Up Clean Up Everyone Every Where Clean UP Everyone......Blah Blah Blah....I was getting sick of singing that song and nothing coming of it....I have four amazing kids one which is not old enough to crawl none the less clean up, But my other three have hit the age of I don't want to clean up anything...I tried it all positive reinforcement charts, time outs to taking things away. to sitting in there room helping them. Which by the way ended up just being me cleaning. I was getting sick of it. we went as far as setting up a Dog fund that they would be able to put money into and get a DOG with if they clean up there room with out fighting and well lets just say that between the three they made a whole $3 bucks the deal was we would give them each $.50 for ever night there room was clean and we didn't have to fight with them. And Still nothing. Then one night after finish up my house hold stuff....It HIT me like a brick wall, if I as a adult like thing to have a home then the kids must want the same thing. so I started thinking. the Dresser in there room isn't being used other than the top two Drawers (had to take all clothing out of the dresser was sick of the girls playing dress up and or just throwing the clothing out of them.) I had a great place to have them put the toys they play with most often. So I went to work labeling them...
Will be making nicer labels wanted to see if it would work first!
 To my Supirse my 4 year old got excited to see me put labels on there dresser she asked, "What do they say?" I just sad Blocks which was the fist one I put on. she got so excited she started to throw the blocks in the drawer. when she was a little over half way done gathering all her blocks, In comes my six year old son and wants to know what is going on. I told him I am putting labels on your dresser drawers so you can have a place for your stuff and it will be easier than digging in the toy been to look for them. He reads out loud the second label saying cars and goes crazy pick up his cares and trains and planes and such. So in his Drawer we have is cars trains planes and all thing that go with them such as tracks. ( have yet to hear mom can you find this or that toy,) above the I labeled the girls real dress up stuff and at this point my oldest comes in see's the fun and helps out to. I keep the last label hidden as I had the other ones until the toys form the one befor was done....I now have all my kids excited to see what is next. when I show them the book Label they all went crazy and were so excited to have a place for there books other than under the bed in a box. Once that was done we moved on to the two purple big toy bins. I told them any extra toys that don't have a spot go here which wasn't much.

So as you see in the to photos above they have two redish pink toy bins which have all there extra toys they don't play with as often but do play with. Also my girls favorite grocery cart and Dora play house. ( the cool mist humidifier is normally not there. (my three year old had the croup at the time) and everything is nice and put away. They have been doing amazing at keep there room nice. so proud of them and I don't have to do the Dog fund any more. Cause daddy and I told them that we will look for one and when we find one we will be getting one. Any ways this is how I have gotten my kids to keep there room nice and with out any type of extra anything....cause they get so excited when they do there room now.

The next two photos just show the rest of my kids room and how I have it set up.
There closet is pretty much not useable at this point as the neighbor above us a/c keep leaking. so for now till it fixed nothing can be put in soon as Management and there staff can get it fixed we will be using it to store other Items. I hope this was helpful!!!

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